Thursday, 4 November 2021

My amazing Albatross feather

This is my Albatross feather that I created. I was learning about the symbolism of the Albatross feather also the story of Parihaka where the english invaded their country and sold it for money. But the Parihaka people did not have war instead they sat down and watched the english invaded their homes. I learned that the Albatross feather is a symbol of peace. I found it easy to write my words to describe peace. I found nothing hard.

My super calender art

This week we were making calendar art this is my art work. we were learning about geometric shapes so we used that idea to create our calendar art. My bird that I choose was the wood pigeon. I enjoyed drawing my birds shapes. I found it hard to colour my bird.

My 2021 achievements

A couple of weeks ago in room two for cybersmart we have been learning how to create our 2021 achievements. We had to create three slides with our three achievements on it. I enjoyed creating the slides. I found it interesting to get the ideas. Do you like my 2021 achievements slides?

My cool self portrait!!

 I was learning how to blend colours with paint. We had to take a picture of ourselves and trace our faces with sharpies and finally paint it. I enjoyed painting. I found it interesting to trace my face with a sharpie.


Monday, 30 August 2021

Paralympic Games


Wellbeing exercise


Wellbeing exercise

6x burpees

6x squats

6x jogs

6x pushups

6x star jumps

6x sit ups

6x star jumps

roll 2 was to help with 3 jobs around the house. 

I did the dishwasher, vacuumed and washed the windows

 Dice roll 3 was to choose something I am thankful for. I am thankful for my family.

New Zealand native bird of the year.


Sunday, 29 August 2021

  Amazing maths  puzzle

Today we had to solve math problems and decode the puzzle to find out what word the letters made.

The letters made the word Maths Master!

Some of the questions I found hard so my mum helped me.

I enjoyed working with my mum. 

What problem did you find the hardest?

My answers:
1) $1,845

Wednesday, 25 August 2021

     Why plastic is so bad!  We have to stop polluting.

Today I had to research why plastic is so bad for our planet. I already knew lots about this topic because mum talks about it often at home. She likes being very healthy.  And my brother Tyler likes to pick up litter at the beach to save the animals. I enjoyed this activity because it was easy for me to think of all of my facts. What do you do at home to reduce plastic??

Tuesday, 24 August 2021

Fizz Inflator!!!!

Today was a fun task. We got to make a fizz inflator. 
I had to find a small water bottle as the man in the video said smaller bottles worked best. 
Then fill it ¾ the way with white vinegar. 
Then I had to pour some baking soda into a balloon with a funnel. This was hard because the baking soda had lumps in it and kept getting stuck. 
Then the really hard part was trying to stick the balloon over the bottle without pouring the baking soda in. I was nervous to do it so my mum helped me..
Then I tipped the balloon up and the baking soda fell into the bottle of vinegar. And a chemical reaction happen and it started to fizz. All the air in the fiz blew up the balloon.
This was so cool. 
I have done these explosions before with my mum in the sandpit making a volcano when i was little

Next time i think i would use less baking soda so it doesn't overflow and fill the balloon up with vinegar.




What is compost?

Rotting, decomposing plants, leaves and food scraps and other organic matter. All of these break down into a special dirt which is called 'compost'. This is rich in plant nutrients and beneficial organisms made up of worms and fungus. 

What is compost used for?

Compost is used in gardens and around plants because it enriches the soil, helps retain moisture. stops pests from eating your plants and can stop your plants from dying of certain diseases. 

By using compost in your garden it reduces the need to use chemical fertilizers.

Monday, 23 August 2021

 Scavneger Hunt

With this task we had to find all of the 11 native species to NZ in the picture. Then choose one , do some research and answer some questions about it. Today i chose to write some facts about six of them. This activity was fun, I knew what most of the species were.  I got nine right. The two that I struggled with were the Taranaki wool and the epiphyte. i Have never heard of these before or seen them. Did you know about Taranaki wool and Epiphyte?

Sunday, 22 August 2021


Today I had to learn all about Dolphins. Then I had to create a poster with facts on it about Dolphins. I really enjoyed this activity because I really like Dolphins, they are such beautiful creatures. The part of the task I found challenging was making the Dolphins food chain. This took me ages. What did you like the most about Dolphins?

Thursday, 19 August 2021

my prayer space.

Today we had to create our own prayer space, with things that were special to us. 

In my prayer space I had two of my special candles my mum had given me. 

my plant and my little cactus and some flowers from the garden because I like plants.

And then my kauri snail, this is special to me, i found it in the bush a long time ago. 

Then I had 3 of my favorite crystals from my mum. I have collected lots of special crystals since I was little.

And I made a cross out of two sticks from the garden and mum spray painted them for me. 

I really enjoyed this activity, it was fun.

The challenging thing for me was trying to attach the sticks together for the cross.

 First I tried to nail them but they just split. So mum helped me and we cello taped them. 

what do you like about my special prayer space????

Wednesday, 18 August 2021

My amazing rubbish monster .

Today we were learning about robots.  we had to choose a problem that we want our robots to help fix. I chose pollution because it is really bad and lots of our world and animals are dying from it.  We had to design our own robot, my robot eats up all the rubbish and stores it in his tummy.i enjoyed drawing my robot, i like to draw. he challenging part was thinking about  the ways i can help stop the pollution. what do you do to help with pollution ? comment on my blog post. 

Thursday, 12 August 2021

my amazing Japanese facts

We have been  learning how to collect facts about the Japanese my to help us with our reading. I found it hard to collect facts and put them in my own words.I enjoy getting the facts and put them own my own words

My amazing Pagoda

We were Learning to draw a pagoda. 

I found it hard to draw the Pagoda and the background.

Wednesday, 4 August 2021

facts about the Olympic Games.

Facts about the Olympic Games.

We are learning facts about the Olympic Games. 

I done well my facts and it was very easy for me.

Thursday, 8 July 2021

have you used the Aqua pod?

I think that it might go 10 m high because of the pressure. But it depends how much water and air are in the bottle.

Do you know what an Aqua pod is? An Aqua pod is a launch pad that is orange and black and it has three legs. It also has a lever that you pull to launch.

You will have to turn the Aqua pod upside down so it seals and no water leeks. There is a rubber seal that makes sure that the water won't leak.

Just for safety you must get 5 m away from the Aqua card and then you pull the string. Which makes it launch.

You must fill the water bottle up to 1/3 with water and then you have to pump it 8-12 times so that you can launch the rocket. 

Monday, 5 July 2021

have you made a mini golf course

have you made a mini golf course

We were learning how to measure a mini golf course and made a mini golf course. We were learning how to find the area and the perimeter.I found it easy to put the golf course together because I have made a mini golf course before. I found it challenging to count how many meters it was. 

Please comment on my blog post. 

Tuesday, 29 June 2021

matariki in scratch

 Today we were learning to use scratch. Today i was making a matariki scratch and I got to choose my own character.

Thursday, 17 June 2021

Oil and Water Experiment

We were learning what happens when you mix oil and water together. We found out that the oil goes all bubbly. They did not mix together, but when we shook it up it went all bubbly. When you put the detergent in it then mixes.

The experiment was fantastic because we got to mix the different types of liquids together. 

Please comment on my experiment. 

Tuesday, 15 June 2021

Do you know how the sign your name is sign language

Do you know how the sign your name is sign language
We have been learning how to sign your name in sign language.

I found it hard to sign my name. I enjoyed signing my name.

Do you know how to sign your name in sign language?

why don't you have a try sign in your name and sign language

Thursday, 10 June 2021

He aha tēnei? What is it?

He aha tēnei? What is it?

We were learning how to use images online. We are allowed to use images from insert images. These images are appropriate and are labeled for reuse. We need to learn to do this because if we don't it's stealing. 

I enjoyed finding pictures.` I found it hard to insert the pictures

Please comment on my slides.

Tuesday, 1 June 2021

My Amazing Mother's Day card.

We were learning how to weave to make our mother's day card. It helps you with your fine motor skills which is using your fingers to do things like, typing, writing, weaving and texting. 

It was easy for me because I have done it before and I enjoyed it

What do you think of my weaving ?

If you want to find how we created our Mother's Day card you could this link to see our learn, create share.



Do you know what a covenant is ?

This week we have been learning about covenants. 

Do you know what a Covenant is? A covenant is a relationship with God. In our group of three, we created this poster to show our understanding.

Thursday, 20 May 2021

Postcard from WW1

 This week we were learning about ANZAC day and we had to read about the war and listen to the videos. My digital learning object shows a message to my brother while I am in the war. 

Monday, 17 May 2021

Interesting Facts About Llamas

Last week I was learning how to find facts about llamas. I had to put facts in my own words. 

My digital learning object shows that llamas have banana shaped ears, 

llamas have a split lip to eat pickles and pine needles, llamas have two toes, llamas toes need to be cut every two years,

Thursday, 13 May 2021

My cool Bedroom

For writing we had to write a descriptive story about our bedrooms. We were learning how to describe using see, hear, smell, taste and feel. I found it challenging to describe what I could hear, smell and taste. Next time I would add more paragraphs to my writing. 

My cool Bedrood 

My favorite part of my bedroom is having my ion PS4, because then I don't have to share with my brothen. I have a super king bed in the middle of my room. You can find me playing my PS4 all the time. My room is super clean. I tidy it all the time and I don't leave clothes lying around. It feels warm in the morning because I have my heater on. I like it because it is the second biggest room in the house.

Thursday, 15 April 2021

Holy week wreath

 last week we made a wreath for holy week on the wreath had little picture of what jesus went though in the time.The little donkey and the palm stands for palm sunday. The chalice and the bread Is what you take in during the Eucharist during mass.And all The other are when Jesus died on the cross and Risen And went to heaven.

 We had to do our role settings for this turn

Wednesday, 14 April 2021

Horouta Waka

we have been learning about the Horouta Waka.

Summer Holidays - Two truths and a lie

 We were writing two truths and a lie. You have to guess which stories are true and which are the lies. 

cross buns

 we have been learning about hot cross buns the cross on hot cross buns symbols when Jesus died and the reasons symbol the blood and the bread of his body

Whale art

We were learning how to mix colours with dye.

We learnt how to make such a lot of colours. 

Tuesday, 13 April 2021


We have been learning about seaweek so we can learn more about sea creatures and why we protect them.We learnt a lot about sea creatures it was fun. 

I learnt about sea horse. They lay their eggs in the dads pouch.

Thursday, 18 March 2021

Saint Patrick

 I was learning about St Patrick because it was St Patrick's Day.

I found it difficult to type my fact because I'm not good at spelling.

I enjoyed listening to the video I learnt about St Patrick.