Tuesday 24 August 2021


What is compost?

Rotting, decomposing plants, leaves and food scraps and other organic matter. All of these break down into a special dirt which is called 'compost'. This is rich in plant nutrients and beneficial organisms made up of worms and fungus. 

What is compost used for?

Compost is used in gardens and around plants because it enriches the soil, helps retain moisture. stops pests from eating your plants and can stop your plants from dying of certain diseases. 

By using compost in your garden it reduces the need to use chemical fertilizers.

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Layton,

    You have been super busy today completing your learning tasks. Ka pai. I love that you included an image of a compost heap. Is this your one from home? Keep up the great mahi.

    Ma te wa,
    Miss Hickling


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