Thursday, 20 May 2021

Postcard from WW1

 This week we were learning about ANZAC day and we had to read about the war and listen to the videos. My digital learning object shows a message to my brother while I am in the war. 

Monday, 17 May 2021

Interesting Facts About Llamas

Last week I was learning how to find facts about llamas. I had to put facts in my own words. 

My digital learning object shows that llamas have banana shaped ears, 

llamas have a split lip to eat pickles and pine needles, llamas have two toes, llamas toes need to be cut every two years,

Thursday, 13 May 2021

My cool Bedroom

For writing we had to write a descriptive story about our bedrooms. We were learning how to describe using see, hear, smell, taste and feel. I found it challenging to describe what I could hear, smell and taste. Next time I would add more paragraphs to my writing. 

My cool Bedrood 

My favorite part of my bedroom is having my ion PS4, because then I don't have to share with my brothen. I have a super king bed in the middle of my room. You can find me playing my PS4 all the time. My room is super clean. I tidy it all the time and I don't leave clothes lying around. It feels warm in the morning because I have my heater on. I like it because it is the second biggest room in the house.