Tuesday, 29 June 2021

matariki in scratch

 Today we were learning to use scratch. Today i was making a matariki scratch and I got to choose my own character.

Thursday, 17 June 2021

Oil and Water Experiment

We were learning what happens when you mix oil and water together. We found out that the oil goes all bubbly. They did not mix together, but when we shook it up it went all bubbly. When you put the detergent in it then mixes.

The experiment was fantastic because we got to mix the different types of liquids together. 

Please comment on my experiment. 

Tuesday, 15 June 2021

Do you know how the sign your name is sign language

Do you know how the sign your name is sign language
We have been learning how to sign your name in sign language.

I found it hard to sign my name. I enjoyed signing my name.

Do you know how to sign your name in sign language?

why don't you have a try sign in your name and sign language

Thursday, 10 June 2021

He aha tēnei? What is it?

He aha tēnei? What is it?

We were learning how to use images online. We are allowed to use images from insert images. These images are appropriate and are labeled for reuse. We need to learn to do this because if we don't it's stealing. 

I enjoyed finding pictures.` I found it hard to insert the pictures

Please comment on my slides.

Tuesday, 1 June 2021

My Amazing Mother's Day card.

We were learning how to weave to make our mother's day card. It helps you with your fine motor skills which is using your fingers to do things like, typing, writing, weaving and texting. 

It was easy for me because I have done it before and I enjoyed it

What do you think of my weaving ?

If you want to find how we created our Mother's Day card you could this link to see our learn, create share.



Do you know what a covenant is ?

This week we have been learning about covenants. 

Do you know what a Covenant is? A covenant is a relationship with God. In our group of three, we created this poster to show our understanding.