Thursday, 15 April 2021

Holy week wreath

 last week we made a wreath for holy week on the wreath had little picture of what jesus went though in the time.The little donkey and the palm stands for palm sunday. The chalice and the bread Is what you take in during the Eucharist during mass.And all The other are when Jesus died on the cross and Risen And went to heaven.

 We had to do our role settings for this turn

Wednesday, 14 April 2021

Horouta Waka

we have been learning about the Horouta Waka.

Summer Holidays - Two truths and a lie

 We were writing two truths and a lie. You have to guess which stories are true and which are the lies. 

cross buns

 we have been learning about hot cross buns the cross on hot cross buns symbols when Jesus died and the reasons symbol the blood and the bread of his body

Whale art

We were learning how to mix colours with dye.

We learnt how to make such a lot of colours. 

Tuesday, 13 April 2021


We have been learning about seaweek so we can learn more about sea creatures and why we protect them.We learnt a lot about sea creatures it was fun. 

I learnt about sea horse. They lay their eggs in the dads pouch.